Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Politics Can Negatively Affect Your Health: But There is a Cure

 “In 2012, for example, $66 million was spent on ads against a cigarette tax, with big contributions from Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds Tobacco. Yet, the public was told that the ads were "paid for by Californians Against Out of Control Taxes and Spending."” (source: Ventura County Star: http://www.vcstar.com/opinion/editorials/editorial-help-voters-by-revealing-whos-paying-for-ads_64152538)

Currently, in California, and other states, tobacco companies, Monsanto, big pharma, corporations that produce “food” for the standard American diet (SAD), and other wealthy entities can provided enormous funding for ballot measures that negatively affect the health of Californians, and can do so secretly and under the guise of intentionally deceptive names like Californians Against Out of Control Taxes and Spending.

You’d think this would be illegal in a democracy. But remember the power of money to create laws that favor money over people.

Politics can negatively affect our health when we don’t inform ourselves, don’t communicate with our elected officials, and don’t exercise our right to vote.

This week (August 25-29, 2014), we the people of California, have an opportunity to change this by making sure that our Assemblymembers vote YES on Saturday the 30th of August for SB 52 the DISCLOSE Act.

If you want the truth, you need to call your California Assemblymember as early in the week of Aug. 25-29 as possible! This vote will determine whether the primary funders of ballot measure campaign advertisements in California have to be clearly DISCLOSED in the ads.

There are currently powerful efforts being made to keep SB 52 from passing. Substantial efforts are being made by labor organizations. I am in favor of labor organizations, but secret money is not appropriate for them, or giant corporations, or wealthy individuals, or political action committees (PACs)!

If you live in Assembly District 37, please contact our Assemblymember, Das Williams at (916) 319-2037 and let his staff know that you want the DISCLOSE Act passed; that the people must come first before labor, corporations, the wealthy, and the PACs.

Das Williams is an excellent elected official. But don't assume that he will be voting for SB 52. I spoke with him and his staff on August 22nd and at that time he was not able to commit to voting for the bill. He explained that there is currently much discussion/argument about the details of the bill. This bill and its previous versions have been discussed for years. There is no excuse to not pass SB 52 now!

If you live in another district in California, please call your Assemblymember! Use this link for a 1-2-3 of how to find and call your Assemblymember, and know what to say! http://www.caclean.org/phone?name=call-sb52

Take the cure! Call your California Assemblymember now! Protect your health by protecting your right to know!

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