In December of last year I began to design Community of Health Ventura (COHV), a monthly gathering at which attendees can learn more about health and wellness, and be supported in living healthfully.
We have had many valuable meetings since beginning in January.
Recently Google launched Google+, a Facebook-like online platform that offers free video conferencing. I realized that we could incorporate Google+ into COHV and allow access to more individuals.
At this very moment I am hosting a Google+ hangout (virtual gathering) of COHV from my home in Ojai. Actually, there's nobody else on the conference but me, but it takes time for folks to get on board with new technology. :)
You can sign up for Google+ by going to this page:, and join us on the second Thursday of the month from 7:00 to 8:30 PM PST.
In health,
Dr. Young